Machine learning, artificial intelligence, automation and advanced sensors are part of the interests of the organ’s Directorate of Scientific Missions, which seeks to follow the main commercial trends in the sector for innovation and cost reduction. Michael Seablom, head of scientific technology, says: “The entrepreneurial spirit that has taken over our initiatives in recent years has brought a series of new thoughts to the community. We want to make sure that we are not leaving anything out or losing contributions from possible partners that can bring incredible new missions to reality ”.

How to participate

All winners after a three-step selection will be part of the Small Business Innovative Research program and must go through the following process: presentation of detailed projects that include the required topics (15 to 20 ideas will be approved); defense of the concept for a panel of NASA specialists in a face-to-face event (which guarantees 10 approved a prize of US $ 20 thousand); and delivery of projects already ready for application, with an additional fund of US $ 80 thousand. Finally, each of the three categories will select a winner, to be announced at the Innovation and Opportunity Conference, an event scheduled to take place later this year. See what they are:

Advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence for autonomous ships and surface rovers, as well as dedicated to terrestrial observation and disaster management; Advanced mass spectrometry for life detection and other scientific applications, Quantum sensors that allow highly accurate assessments of gravity, magnetic fields, dark energy and other measurements.

Papers can be submitted until June 26, and the challenge will take place on July 29. More details are available on the official website of the program.

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